Search Results
SSAC13: RP: Algorithmic Taxonomy of Basketball Plays from Optical Data
SSAC13: EOS: DataMorphing: Dynamic Interaction with Basketball Big Data
SSAC13: RP - Live by the Three, Die by the Three
SSAC13: XY Data: The Revolution in Visual Tracking Presented by Sportvision
SSAC13: Beyond Crunching Numbers: How to Have Influence
SSAC13: RP - Total Hockey Rating (THoR): A Comprehensive Statistical Rating
SSAC13: RP - Going for Three: Predicting Field Goal Success with Logistic Regression
SSAC13: RP: The Value of Flexibility in Baseball Roster Construction
SSAC13: Football Analytics
SSAC13: Staying Relevant: Social Media Analytics
SSAC13: eMarketing: Sports Marketing in a Digital Age